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Tanya Lalonde

Thank God for memories, for without memories, you couldn't live on in my heart.  This time of year always makes me think of when I was little and you would get tickets to the forum to see Ice Capades or take me to see the Shriners Circus.  Not only did you take me to these things, but you always bought me the best souvenirs too.  I always got to come home with a big balloon or a ridiculously huge lollipop that you picked up for me on our way out!  Thank you for the things you did for me when I was a kid.  I'll always remember them fondly.  These memories have taken up permanent residence in my heart!

Love you always!

Tanya Lalonde

Dear Barbara,

There are no words on this planet to describe how much I miss you.  To hear your voice, feel your embrace and smell your scent, oh what I would give.  There's not a day that goes by that I don't think of you in some way.  Most of the time I wish you were here to meet Moe.  I know you guys would have hit it off...  You would have had a great time driving him nuts!  I think about how proud you would be of Amanda and Chad.  What amazing kids you have!  Ha!  They're not kids anymore, they are hardworking young adults to say the least.  Some days, in my own selfish way, I feel angry at you for leaving so soon.    I know its not your fault, your work here was done and God needed you for bigger and better things.  I guess God trusted all of us to take care of what needed to be taken care of while you're gone.  I am so grateful for the memories I have of you.  You were always so good to me no matter what.  Sometimes, you were the only one who really ever understood me.  Even though there were days when I got under your skin and you'd call me a BRAT!  I deserved it, I WAS a spoiled little brat!  lol....  you helped in the spoiling!  All the times you took me to the Circus, and TapDance lessons....  were it not for  you, Ross wouldn't still be making me do "Where's the Light?" and me in a Pavlovian Dog style striking a pose and yelling "Over THERE!!".  Remember the time you made fudge for me?  It was in Longueuil and you got the recipe out of Mommy's GIGANTIC cookbook, I think Violet still has it.  Something went wrong and the fudge wouldn't come out of the pan.  Do you remember that we threw the pan on the floor and the fudge SHATTERED like glass?  I think Fudge is meant to be smooth and creamy, isn't it?!?  These are but a few of the memories that I hold closest to my heart.  I take comfort in knowing that one day, we will all be together again, only next time we are all together it will be forever.  I love you and I miss you. 

Your sister,


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